


Artikel: Mata Air Panas - Guci




[navigasi.net] Mata Air Panas - Guci

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[navigasi.net] Mata Air Panas - Guci
The Folktale*
There's a legend says that, hot water in 'Guci' is a water given by 'Walisongo' to their emissaries for spreading Islam throughout Central Java (around Tegal). Because the water was kept in the jar and full of bless, the people called the area distributed by the water as Guci. However, as the water was distributed in a limited amount, one day during a Kliwon Friday night, one of the Sunan [Islamic Emissary], plant his magical stick to the ground and hot water started to spray out filled with bless. Until this moment, every Kliwon Friday night, people come and bathe in the bathing place to gain some blessing

What do you imagine when Tegal cross in your mind ? Warteg, Martabak, or Pot Tea ? Whatever the answer is, those are all related to Tegal. Hence, the people from Tegal should be proud of this.

imagine, enjoying drinking Teh Tubruk from Slawi, with rock sugar, pour from clay pot.... hem.... so irrresistible. It reminds me of the old times before Sosro invented dye-tea. Teh Tubruk now is now a bit difficult to find in many places, except for those looking for it for nostalgia or you have to go to Tegal yourself to find it.

[navigasi.net] Mata Air Panas - Guci

The story about Pot Tea, reminds me of Guci. Guci is a big douche jar formed by nature. The hot water comes from the earth that runs into a pond and now becomes a public bathing place.

Old-young, man-women are bathing together. They are sitting and enjoying warm shower in the middle of chilly atmosphere surrounded by Slamet mountain. The hot water is good to stretch muscle tense and also for skin rejuvenating. Those myths and facts, about this hot water has been widely known by the people lives in any mountain

Guci is a natural hot water bathing pool located in Tegal. Whoever comes to Guci will share the same pool for having the hot water bathe. Whether you are young, old, man or woman, you will have to share the same pool for bathing and showering together. For those whose a bit shy, wearing sun glasses is allowed as long as you don't flirt around

Guci has 13 hot showers and 10 waterfalls, all coming the same source. It is located 40km south of Tegal. If you are heading to Slawi, go straight to south via Lebaksiu, on the way to Purwokerto [Lebaksiu is a small district famous for its Martabak. Most of the people here selling Martabak in all cities in Indonesia. For those who knows this, normally when they order Martabak, they will ask the seller from which part of Lebaksiu they're coming from. Some says they will give you discount once they thought you're also from Lebaksiu.

[navigasi.net] Mata Air Panas - Guci
Passing Lebaksiu, there will be a road sign to Guci, turn left to BumiJawa, Tuwel village and finally you will be in elevation of 1,050m from sea level.

Guci has been commercialized, getting your self an accomodation is not a problem. From 3 stars until four stars hotels are available. There is another recreational activities like horse ridding and hiking. So people comes to Guci normally for enjoying the scenery, healing skin problems, or just to find magical wealthy. The scenery of crowds in Mount Slamet similar as the activity in Puncak-Pass resort, Cianjur. Vegetables freshly picked from hillside farm are available, and usually bought by tourist as gifts.

Guci is a suitable recreational place for family to spend their holiday. Perhaps would be too crowded during holiday seasons, but for those who has skin problems do not hesitate to bathe in the hot water. The water is clear and continously flowing. While you are in Tegal, why not ?

*source: http://www.vision.net.id/
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