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[navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Taman Nasional Meru Betiri

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S8.555783 - E113.939583



14 m






English translation by mfda






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[navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Taman Nasional Meru Betiri
The closest and relatively friendly way to “Meru Betiri” National Park, from Jember to south, direction to Bandealit apparently closed due to the collapsing of the only bridge. I decided to take longer and more difficult way: Jember to the east, direction to Genteng and then down south direction to Jajag, Pasanggrahan and Saropan, crossing the two Rubber Plantations “Sungai Lembu” and “Sukamade Baru”.

There are only two words to describe the road to “Meru Betiri”: beyond comprehension. However, while we were struggling with the very bad condition of the road, we were entertained by the beauty of the surroundings: impenetrable jungle on one side and a crystal clear sea some two hundred meters down below on the other sides. I have the choice to make: by crossing several shallow rivers taking around 10 kilometers, through a bumpy road or by crossing one bigger river with water level around 60 cm (in dry season) for only 3 kilometers. I decided to put all my luck on the later.

[navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Taman Nasional Meru Betiri

Actually, the best ways to see “Meru Betiri” is by crossing the jungle by walking/tracking for around 3 days and spend the first night in the Meru gulf, the second night in the Bandealit gulf. However, the only requirement to do it is that one has to have a prime stamina, something which is too luxury for me, therefore I have to bow to my limitations and be wise

The legend of supposedly extinct “Jawa Tiger” (Harimau Jawa) apparently is still in dispute. While majority international Nature Scientists believed that Jawa Tiger was already extinct since 1920, however some young Indonesian naturalists argued that they have evidence to prove that “Jawa Tiger” is not yet a legend. Besides they discovered foot print, a bunch of hairs believed belonging to supposedly extinct Jawa Tiger was sent to USA for DNA analysis and lets us all hope that Jawa Tiger are still roaming freely in the impenetrable jungle of “Meru Betiri”.

[navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Taman Nasional Meru Betiri

World Wildlife Foundation has “Saving Green Turtle” project by establishing green turtle nursery in Sukamade. I met with Wayan, a charming Balinese guy, WWF field supervisor and Miss Asti, a Marine Biologist student from Diponegoro University, a volunteer worker assigned to the project. I decided to stay overnight in the Park’s guest house in Sukamade (S8.558667 - E113.886850) to see mother green turtles laying eggs at dawn.

The guest house has very basic facilities of one room with two single beds equipped with toilet (without flush) and only one 25 watt lamp and no electrical outlet whatsoever. The electricity starts at 6 PM and end at around 4 AM. We had dinner together with all the Jagawana (Park Rangers) and WWF staffs, with menu prepared by one of the Ranger’s wife: Fried Chicken, sambal, freswhly cooked garden vegetables and rice. After each mouthful, I have to flush it down with warm tea without sugar ... healthy.

[navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Taman Nasional Meru Betiri

Apart from spooky tales about the Ranger’s experience in the jungle, I have a great fun with them. At 2 PM we went to the beach to see the turtle’s motherhood, to ensure the survival of the next generation. The process of laying eggs, takes 3 hours, from arriving in the beach, finding the right location, digging, laying eggs, covering with sand and stamping the sand. It is pretty common for the mother turtle, before leaving the beach, digging another hole nearby her nest, just to confuse the egg predators ... God’s heaven is full with mothers not fathers ... ?

I have the privileged to release the newly hatching little turtels into the sea, hoping that they managed to survive in the dangerous life in the deep and come back in 15 years time to continue the cycles of life ...

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