


Artikel: Museum - Keris




[navigasi.net] Museum - Keris

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English translation by mfda






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[navigasi.net] Museum - Keris
Keris is very synonymous with The Jawanese Culture. Legend has it that a Jawanese man is not complete without possessing 5 things, they are: Keris – Horse – Bird – Woman and House.

Keris is treated as a symbol or status instead of “a killing tool” and almost in the Jawanese aristocrats’ family has a Keris Pusaka or The Ancestor’s Keris that has a name and good history behind it. Depends on the family tradition, the Keris Pustaka and other family’s owned items will have to go through kind of purification ceremony each year.

[navigasi.net] Museum - Keris

Owning a Keris apparently is not as easy as owning other things. There are a complex rituals involved in order to make sure that a Keris will accept the bearer, otherwise a disastrous events might occurred if the Keris is not chemistry fit with the bearer. There are a bunch of few people who should be contacted for advice whether a particular Keris is fit for a particular bearer or not. Where the Keris should be placed is equally complex, because it depends on whom wearing it and for what purposes, let alone to conduct many ceremonial events to make sure that “the spirits” of the Keris is happy.

To add to the already cloudy mystery around the world of Keris, apparently not many people agreed as to where the words Keris originally came from. In the Encyclopedia of Keris, this is available at the museum. However the very first words related to Keris was written as “Kres” found written in a bronze plate dated back in year 824 in a village of Karangtengah in Central Jawa and since then it gradually developed into the words “Keris” we know today.

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