| |  | |  | | |
| | | [navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Kebun Teh Pagilarang | |  | |  | Pagilarang Tea Estates located in kabupaten Batang, kecamatan
Blado, south of Batang, Central Jawa. In 1840 a Dutch pioneer by
the name Meneer E. Blink came to this place and decided to try
his luck by planting “cinchona” trees (pohon kina)
that produces “quinine alkaloids” the main ingredient
to make anti malaria drugs. Besides cinchona trees he also
planting “coffea arabica” trees and these were the
most sought commodities in those days. Luck apparently was not on
his sides, because the productions of these two commodities were
beyond his commercial expectation. He then decided to change his
luck by planting tea “camellia sinensis” and God
smiles at him.
His growing tea business attracted a Dutch Maskapij (Dutch
company) down in Semarang to invest in Meneer Blink tea estates
by establishing a tea processing factory. It seemed that Meneer
Blink’s luck was not too long, because his tea processing
factory financed by the Dutch Maskapij was burned down.  | |  | |  | | |
| | | [navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Kebun Teh Pagilarang | |  | |  |
Due to the growing demand for tea by the British, in the year
1920, an English company by the name P&T Lands took over the
estates. Pagilarang quickly come back in full commercial steam.
To overcome the difficulties of sending the tea leaves to the
factory, “a hanging cart” system was built and it was
the first of it kind ever built for that purposes. The business
was flourishing until the Japanese occupation which left the
estates unattended. After the Japanese left the country, the
Dutch came back and Pagilarang was put under Dutch
company’s control. In the late ‘50, the Pagilarang
Tea Estates were nationalized and put under BUMN (Government
Owned Companies).
Pagilarang Tea Estates cover around 1,130 Hectares with
altitude between 800 to 1,600 meters above sea level, divided
into 3 afdeling (sectors) and employed some 3,000 people.  | |  | |  | | |
| | | [navigasi.net] Flora&Fauna - Kebun Teh Pagilarang | |  | |  | The
estates produces ordinary red tea, as well as other tea, such as
green tea and black tea and the market is 25% for domestic
market, the rest are for export, mainly to UK, German, Japan and
Middle-East countries.
There are rather nice bungalows for rent, for both holidays as
well as for meetings. The rent charges vary from Rp 150.000.- to
Rp 250.000.- depending on the size of the bungalow and an agreed
menu can also be provided by the estates. During week-ends and
holidays, the estates arrange “tea walk” around the
estates and “nature walk” into deeper terrains.
It is interesting to note that the Women Football Club of
Pagilarang Estates happened to be the champion of Indonesian
Women Football League for 3 years in a row. Perhaps that those
women have a solid stamina due to the habit of drinking a lot of
tea and running up and down the hilly terrains